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The Harry Potter thread

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The Harry Potter thread Empty The Harry Potter thread

Post by ratherdrinktea Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:12 am

So...any other Harry Potter fans out here?
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The Harry Potter thread Empty Re: The Harry Potter thread

Post by Aisling Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:23 am

I'm a "fan with reservations"... basically, I waited to read any of the books (kinda' caved and read most of #3) until after watching all the films, that way the films couldn't be disappointing just from being not-matched-to-the-books. Full cinematic experience, y'know? Thing is, I saw the last one only recently, and uni just started a new semester, so having the time and energy to start a series of books (instead of a book here, a book there, like I normally do) is a bit tricksome.

Neville is probably my favourite character, followed by Lupin and Tonks. Smile

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The Harry Potter thread Empty Re: The Harry Potter thread

Post by mel Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:19 am

I enjoyed the book series and the movies (haven't seen 7 part 2 yet though), but I wouldn't really call myself a "fan". I came to the series a lot later than most fans do and had enough other media under my belt to be really critical of a lot of what I was reading and seeing happen, and it isn't a nostalgic experience for me at all, which makes me seem a bit "harsh" sometimes when I discuss it with people, even when I'm not intending to be.

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The Harry Potter thread Empty Re: The Harry Potter thread

Post by Arcanine Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:23 pm

I used to love watching the movies as a kid, I think I've watched every one (with the exception of the last two) when they were put in the cinemas. I haven't seen the recent one yet, It seemed interesting to me, but not worth going to the cinema and watching.
And, I've never read any of the books, books were never my kind of thing.

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The Harry Potter thread Empty Re: The Harry Potter thread

Post by S--SWITCH Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:55 pm

I was introduced to HP around age 11/12 so I've grown up, almost literally, with Harry Potter. I read all the books as they were available (my grandmother bought them for me after the first 3) and enjoyed the first 4 movies best. After that I think they got a little off-point and the 6th movie was terrible, but whatever. I'm a bit of a Potterhead I guess, but I've never dressed up or gone to any midnight openings or book releases or anything, but I'm well-versed enough in the world of Potter that I could have conversations about it.

I have to say, reading the books, I never really connected with any of the characters. But once the movies were made, I really connected with Luna. Sort of a walk-to-the-beat-of-your-own drum vibe, ya'know?

Anyways, that was a bit point was that yes--I am a HP fan Razz

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