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Rings for grey as and demis

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Do you have an ace ring that is specifically grey?

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Total Votes : 23

grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Rings for grey as and demis

Post by ratherdrinktea Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:32 pm

So I have a black ring that has a silver band around the middle. I was just wondering if any other greys did something similar

(Admin EDIT: expanded the poll by two options)
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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Aisling Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:37 pm

This is a tricky one for me, heh. I used to have a gorgeous black obsidian ring that fit my thumb and/or my fiance's ring finger. The problem with obsidian is it has a funny way of breaking, and it did... cleanly into two pieces. XD

I kept it for a totally non-ace-related reason; obsidian has a bit of sentimental private significance to my guy and me. That said, I rather wish it were still intact, because it would be fantastic as an ace-indicator.

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Faelights Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:47 pm

The reason I don't have a ring is because I generally forget to put on jewelry. And when it comes to jewelry, I prefer all other types over rings. XD
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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Shaedow Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:49 pm

I just have a plain black ring, but to be honest I'm not sure if I'm just plain ace or some sort of demi -sorry if I shouldn't be here cause of this Razz (been in one relationship that ended badly before finding all of this out, and it ended very badly, so me thinking I forced myself may be a bit of a memory altering thing, dunno Razz) definitly something around those two though, and to be fair, it took me long enough to find a black ring in my size, don't wanna be looking for other fancy things xD

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Aisling Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:01 pm

I'm not sure if I'm just plain ace or some sort of demi -sorry if I shouldn't be here cause of this
Anybody is welcome here, including and especially anybody who is trying to sort themselves out with regard to these orientations. Smile

Seriously, I need to get around to finding another obsidian ring. Razz

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by S--SWITCH Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:50 pm

I just bought a ring that is oxidized sterling silver and has a tiny triangle on it from Stone and Honey. It's a dark greyish color and I like the triangle symbol adopted by AVEN. I apparently don't know my ring size so it's a little big, but it stays on my pointer finger so I guess that's where I'll have to wear it.

grey - Rings for grey as and demis Mah0ue

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Aisling Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:17 pm

Nice one! I saw this on the Demisexuality Tumblr page. Smile

EDIT: Today a group of merchants from different countries were at our university; I bought a size 8 silver ring; the black stuff is enamel of some kind, and the sparkles are paua shell. They're green and purple iridescent, with a few other random tiny coloured bits. I bought it for my middle finger, but it proved loose enough for my index, so I'm gonna' go with that. Maybe we can make it a trend? Demi/grey-ace rings on the index. Razz
Sorry for my chippy nail polish. XD
I like that it's about the same widths of silver/white and black, with lots of sparky coloured bits. Feels very demi-isch to me. :]
Also, I like shiny things. ^_^
grey - Rings for grey as and demis Demi_r11
grey - Rings for grey as and demis Demi_r12
grey - Rings for grey as and demis Demi_r10

Oh, and it fits my thumb, too!
grey - Rings for grey as and demis Demi_r13

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Paul1807 Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:34 pm

Interesting concept, I have Raynauld's syndrome and shouldn't be wearing any rings. Though the black with a white stripe in the center seems interesting.


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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Torraed Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:45 pm

Tegid wrote:Oh, and it fits my thumb, too!
grey - Rings for grey as and demis Demi_r13
I can't tell whether you're actually showing off your ring or stealthily flaunting your Alienware... Suspect Both are nice. XP

Paul1807 wrote:Interesting concept, I have Raynauld's syndrome and shouldn't be wearing any rings. Though the black with a white stripe in the center seems interesting.
If you still wanted to sport a ring, perhaps you could wear one on a dog tag chain? Just an idea.
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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Aisling Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:09 pm

I can't tell whether you're actually showing off your ring or stealthily flaunting your Alienware... Both are nice. XP

I don't display my face online, so I couldn't do a mirror shot. The M11x is the only other pretty thing in my room, besides possibly my cat, so it got to play backdrop to the photographs. XD

Oh, checkitout! A whole three minutes of web connectivity: miraculous.
Aaand that would be it for tonight. Cheers!


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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by epochryphal Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:52 am

I really really want a ring! For awhile I pretended the silver ring my sock drawer (kind of zucchini-like?) gave me doubled to mean grey-a. I really miss wearing a ring, and if I was to get one that would be the meaning I'd want.

But what would it look like and where would it be worn, I do not know. I'm definitely not comfortable with just using the asexual ring/finger. I like the silver-stripe-in-the-middle idea a lot, and maybe a different finger so it's clearer from further away, although ring finger is so convenient.
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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by thidwick Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:16 pm

I've got...ALL the rings for grey-a-ness. (I didn't feel comfortable until really recently just wearing an ace ring.)

Erm, I have a ring that fits either of my ring fingers that I painted black with nail polish (though that chips a lot and I have to do it often).

Then I've got a silver-black-silver band that I had intended to wear on my right middle finger but uh apparently I suck at doing ring sizes as it doesn't *quite* work. It fits my thumbs, pointers, and left middle finger though, so I wear it on...uh any of them. Because I can't leave jewelry alone, and I constantly change stuff sits.

Finally, I've got a ring that actually fits my right middle finger that I am painting black as soon as I finish typing this post. (Since I'm finally comfortable with it and actually thinking about it.)


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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Aisling Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:23 pm

We are starting to find it really funny just how many people in this thread have ended up wearing rings intended for the middle finger on their index or thumb instead, due to wonky sizing (including us). XD

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grey - Rings for grey as and demis Empty Re: Rings for grey as and demis

Post by Midnight Lady Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:46 pm

I have a thick black ring, almost the quarter of my MIDDLE finger... Smile It consists of many square stone lines.
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