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The chatbox

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The chatbox Empty The chatbox

Post by Aisling Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:59 pm

On the home page, scroll allllll the way down. Do you see a box-looking widget?
That is the chatbox; click the little "log in" link in its upper right corner to use it.

If I see things getting ugly in the chat, I will remove it indefinitely. It is a privilege, not a right, savvy?

If you have trouble with it, let me know, and I'll see if I can do anything to help.
Happy gabbing! Very Happy

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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by mel Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:43 pm

Any chance of an IRC-based chat widget instead of a chatbox in the future? Humongous dorks like me would find it way easier to be logged in and chatty frequently if that were the case. Laughing

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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by Aisling Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:20 pm

I can't promise anything right now, since I'm still working out what are the specific kinks in this forum host... but if I can find a way to make it work nicely, I'll implement it.
The charm of the current box is a) it's free, b) it's already designed to fit this forum structure and template, and c) it took a whole five seconds to set it up through this host, meaning we could have some form of chat from the very start.

EDIT: On closer inspection... I seriously hate to disappoint you, but running an IRC channel simultaneous to this, much less getting it to integrate smoothly to the board itself, is a bit beyond impracticable for me. I'm looking into alternatives like Yaplet, but it's still in the air how much promise is had there. In all fairness to the demographic, IRC-users anymore are a bit few and far between. :-/ Somebody who isn't used to it might find it more off-putting than the current chat.

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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by mel Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:14 pm

Ah well, thanks anyway. IRC hardly seems uncommon to me since I spend time in roughly...20 different channels on 12 different servers, many of which are connected to forums which have a web-based interface for people who don't know what's what when it comes to IRC, but if integrating it with this free host is problematic then it is what it is.

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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by Faelights Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:09 pm

Hey, was just checking out the chat room today, and I looked over the archives since I was last there (NOT trying to be creepy, I swear!)

I saw that someone had mentioned that chatzy doesn't have new message notifications. That is actually not true, because it does! You just have to turn it on, and I believe it relies on Quicktime. =)
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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by Arcanine Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:59 pm

Hmm, I'm not sure about this, but I think Chatzy can be embedded? In which case, I think it would be a good improvement Smile

(Though I'm not sure if Chatzy keeps archives or not)

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The chatbox Empty Re: The chatbox

Post by Faelights Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:25 am

Arcanine wrote:Hmm, I'm not sure about this, but I think Chatzy can be embedded? In which case, I think it would be a good improvement Smile

(Though I'm not sure if Chatzy keeps archives or not)
From what I remember, Chatzy keeps a bit of an archive, and can output it in the form of a text file. But someone would have to double-check that.
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The chatbox Empty The chatbox

Post by Aisling Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:33 am

Chatzy can be embedded, yes, and it archives.
To embed in the forum:

3 months (quarterly)
$10 or $3.33 a month

6 months (biannual)
$15 or $2.50 a month

12 months (yearly)
$24 or $2.00 a month

Right now, I'm taking an alternative (and cost-free) route, still through Chatzy:

This links to a members-only-viewable thread detailing this alternative route. Follow it to check it out and give your opinions and feedback. Smile

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