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Opinions on 50th anniversary

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:43 am

Did any of you guys happen to catch the 50th anniversary? What did you think? Are you excited to see Peter Capaldi as the next doctor? Do share your thoughts.

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by rainingsand Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:12 pm

I loved the 50th! I was a bit leery of Moffat screwing it up, especially once they reached Gallifrey, but everything turned out to be fantastic! I do wish we could see more of Hurt though, and that Eccleston had returned as well...
I'm reserving judgement on Capaldi, I think. Smith isn't my favorite Doctor, but I'm certainly attached to him and don't want to see him go, so... We'll see.

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Sun Dec 22, 2013 9:28 pm

I was a little edgy about Moffat too but I loved the entirety of it Very Happy I do believe there was a web episode featuring Hurt which was his first appearence~ And Eccleston was filming Thor 2 at the time and couldn't make it I believe, but his appearence would have been fantastic! Smile
I myself fully expect Capaldi to be a lot more serious than Eccleston onwards but I think he'll fit in nicely. It's gonna be a huge shame to see Smith go, he's my favourite doctor Dx but hey, you said it, we'll see Smile

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by rainingsand Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:03 am

So. Opinions on Capaldi/the xmas special?

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:07 pm

His time was brief but I like him! It was building him up to be one of the most serious doctors, yet his one line was asking how to fly the TARDIS...I personally am really looking forward to seeing more of him (I also hear he had an argument with moffat about the plot so I'm really curious to see what turns this doctor takes.) I really enjoyed Matt Smiths ending as well, many people were complaining it was too quick but I personally thought it was great Smile The xmas special itself as a whole I thought was really gripping I loved the plot and it's left me buzzing about the next series Very Happy
How about you friend?

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by rainingsand Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:56 pm

Major spoilers, fair warning.
I enjoyed the special as mindless entertainment, but it felt like they were trying to wrap up everything way too quickly. Things had been left open-ended for a few series already, they could've waited longer and been explained better in my opinion, though I understand they likely wanted to wrap up those arcs with Smith.
I really enjoyed most of the regeneration and the end of it was sort of funny, but it was kind of anticlimactic after the earlier mass destruction.
I was glad to see proof of Gallifrey's survival, as well as the universe' reaction to it. Old Doctor was adorable, and it was nice to see something different with Clara.

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:02 pm

I guess I can agree with you there, they could have done a lot more with it but hey overall I was happy with it :3
Same! Gallifrey stands! Very Happy And yeah old doctor was lovely <3

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by rainingsand Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:50 pm

And... that leaves me with very little to respond to in order to continue a conversation. It's nice to see that someone else says "lovely" though.

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:51 am

I'm sorry D: I've not been on forums properly in years...Hmmm
Yeah lovely is a nice work Razz
So do you have any particular expectations for the next series? :3

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by rainingsand Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:46 am

Expectations? Not really. Hopes? Well, it'd be nice to get another companion to join in, preferably from a different time period and/or planet, or a different species. The last time we had someone not from current-ish Earth was back with Eccleston, if you don't count Jack's reappearance. I'd also like to learn a bit more about Gallifreyan culture/history. I know bits and pieces from classic but I've yet to watch it, and even then we can always learn more.

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Opinions on 50th anniversary Empty Re: Opinions on 50th anniversary

Post by Lims Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:03 am

Ah that would be really great! A new companion is almost guaranteed if it follows the flow that the modern series are taking up, but I absolutely agree, another race would be fantastic! I believe Tom Baker was the first to put forward the idea of another race when he had the idea of having a talking psychic lettuce for a companion, though unfortunately they didn't go along with it. And more gallifrey would be great but the times we have seen it I was disappointed since it didn't look anything like the doctors descriptions Sad But I would love to learn more about Gallifrey and such things Very Happy
So What's been your favourite thing about doctor who so far?

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