Demi Grace
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How I discovered this

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How I discovered this Empty How I discovered this

Post by Poindexter Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:22 pm

I am glad to see this, because I have known about it for a long time, but never had a definition till now. Let me tell you how I found this...

when I was young and early in the game, I met an older academic woman (in the big city) and without any warning, she proceeded to expose herself and asked if I minded. Much to my surprise, she began to discuss "quite personal things" to me and we began this erotic relationship. (I do not find other women like this today)

Not really knowing any better, I discovered it as a natural thing and we did not have a clingy stringy affair. But it just kept getting better. As the dialogs continued, she began to teach me about ancient sexual customs in various cultures and started trying/ showing different things. Tantra and masturbation while discussing things that aroused us...

after things got more comfortable, she began to get books, porn and toys and we discussed more things that interested us and began to include them into this menu.

Homosex was curious at first, but she told me about how this has been a custom and ritual in many ancient civilizations. I was surrounded by gay and lezbes, but it never really interested me, with exception. There was no appeal for the lifestyle and I was uncomfortable with the nervous pushy thing. I had alot of come ons.

Time passed and I moved locations, and met this neighbor dude and we got to be friends and discussed alot of things. We got comfortable being around each other, and we could both tell something was going on, so it wasnt long before we found ourselves getting naked together and it was fun getting aroused and things continued... I suggested things as I had learned from my woman friend and we just started doing things that seemed right. there was nothing shameful or guilty about it

since then, I have moved to a different part of the country. I cant say that I lost interest, but the types of people (both genders) I have met, its been quite difficult to get people started with this. It has been a success, (primarily females) but very slow and clumsy to get things rolling.

To me, and from what I have found. It seems people have been influenced by the media and social customs and complicated by the lack of education and basic intelligence.

I have a beautiful woman now, that has had alot of experience including girl play. But very slow in moving ahead with things and expressing herself. (from past inconvenient encounters) She has started discussing this with me a few times, but always stops short. I have been hoping to find another woman that knows about this to have a discussion with and find out what the hang up is.

There is alot of women with stress and tension in their daily lives that is relieved by this.

I believe she is the same as me, but just hasnt found anyone she can be comfortable with and doesnt know how to express this and wont discuss it.

I believe this has gone on since ancient times and is clouded by taboo. I would like to see something like this become more common and expressed on open media channels.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-03-03

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