Demi Grace
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Hello world! Empty Hello world!

Post by thidwick Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:55 pm

I'm Thidwick. I'm new. I'm reeeeeally bad at using forums-I'm hoping that this will start a new thread in the introductions part of the forum, but uh it might not and I apologize to the mods and admins if it doesn't.

I'm demisexual and something romantic-might be somewhere on the aro spectrum, more likely just have a low romantic drive (or whatever the romantic equivalent of a libido is), and uh am still trying to work out if I'm only romantically attracted to guys. (I'm a questioning-the-cis-part cisfemale.)

I found my way here via the demisexuality tag on Tumblr. I also made an AVEN account a couple months ago but have been disinclined to use it-people in ace tags have made me nervous about going over there.

Also this text box that I'm typing into keeps jumping farther down the page and getting covered by the preview and send buttons, among other things. Code monkeys, want to look into that?


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Virginia, United States

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Hello world! Empty Re: Hello world!

Post by Aisling Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:26 pm

Welcome to the DG!
Ah, excellent, our Tumblr advertising has paid off a bit. Smile

If you don't mind, please explain the problem you're having with the text a little bit more clearly / thoroughly?
Are you using the Quick Reply, or did you hit the [PostReply] in the lower left instead?
Does it happen in more than one browser, or just one specific browser (and which one, if so)?

Posts : 334
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Illinois

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Hello world! Empty Re: Hello world!

Post by thidwick Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:37 pm


The text box seemed to get unanchored from the toolbox right above it, and it appeared further down the page. I can't really describe it any better than that. I'll take a screen shot though:

(It occurs to me that I might be zooming in too much for the text box to cope.)

It was using the NEWTOPIC button in Chrome-IE, the only other browser installed on this computer, does not have that problem. Quick Reply (which I'm using now) doesn't unanchor.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-03-25
Location : Virginia, United States

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Hello world! Empty Re: Hello world!

Post by Aisling Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:43 pm

O-0; wow, that's... odd.

Can't say we've ever seen it do anything like that, and nobody else has mentioned that problem. Let us know if it happens again the next time you start a topic, please?

Our computer monitor has a really weird aspect ratio, so we don't usually zoom unless vitally necessary, because on other sites it bunks stuff up for us, too.

We're sorry it gave you problems. :-/

Posts : 334
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Illinois

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Hello world! Empty Re: Hello world!

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