Demi Grace
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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Kashchej Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:44 pm

Good evening!

I'm Max, and it's a pleasure to meet all of you.

I'm 20 years old, and I'm a university student studying music composition. I'm also a pianist and an organist. That pretty much sums me up. XD

I identify as demisexual, though sometimes I think I may just be asexual. More than anything, I'm just pretty indifferent towards sex. I'll have it, but it's not important. It does, however, require an emotional connection. I don't even know how this works.

I'm also completely indifferent to gender as it relates to me. I'm biologically male, but I call myself gender-oblivious. I do love a good dress or corset. Any pronouns are fine; I'm not picky about that. (Note that I'm just saying that I'm not picky about how I am referred to - I'm completely respectful toward others' requests for pronouns.)

Hrm... I'm an INTJ last time I checked, and I'm a ridiculous introvert. I can only really stand being around more than two or three other people for... an hour? After that, I need a couple of hours alone.

Well, there's a little bit about me. I'm looking forward to talking to you all!


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Join date : 2011-09-09
Age : 34
Location : New Orleans, LA, USA

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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Aisling Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:57 pm

It's awesome to have you here, Max! I think you replied to my Facebook post?
I'm also 20, until late November, and also a pianist, and identifying as demisexual. Yay, similarities.

Please do not take this as me telling you what to call yourself, but I'm an MBTI long-time dweeb, and I've spent some years developing a system to identify types just by how a person communicates through text. Your speech patterns are as INFJ-indicative as any I've ever seen (and have strong similarities to mine, a pronounced INFJ). I won't be so forward as to say that you are that type, but you seem like it to me. *shrug* Smile
I reeeeally hope that I don't tick you off by saying that. :-/

Aaaand *removing foot from mouth* welcome to the DG! May you have a lovely time here.

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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Kashchej Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:48 am

No, no, no! No offense taken! I hardly ever take offense to anything. I've always been somewhere on the border between INTJ and INFJ, so I'll believe you on that one. (I always did want to be INFJ.) Also, I just worked out that I'm either a 4w5 or maybe a 5w4 for my Enneagram! That actually explains a pretty good deal...


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Age : 34
Location : New Orleans, LA, USA

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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Aisling Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:27 am

Ah, nice. I'm 2w3. Smile
I don't claim any degree of Enneagram expertise, so I'll leave you to your own on that one, haha.

Yeh... being INFJ has a certain fun to it that is a leeeettle bit difficult to imagine for INTJ, but I'm biased.

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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Paul1807 Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:38 pm

Another Welcome. I'm also an INTJ, though I can assume the role of an extrovert ok semi-extrovert? normal person? when forced to. Took some practice though. Wink


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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Kashchej Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:50 am

Oh, I'm jealous. I wish I were capable of any sort of extroversion. People are just... exhausting. I'm not capable of handling them very well. That's what the internet's for! XD


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Hello, you wonderful people! Empty Re: Hello, you wonderful people!

Post by Paul1807 Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:56 pm

Well being in 50s I did have some time to learn the skill. I did say the word skill and that is what it is: like playing the violin, shooting a rifle or doing needle point given the time and effort it can be mastered even if it does not come natural. I still would rather be alone or in a small group rather than a crowd but it is something one must put up with if you want a regular paycheck.


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Age : 68
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