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DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet.

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DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet. Empty DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet.

Post by epochryphal Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:55 am

I'm epochryphal, you can call me epoch; co is fine too. I'm neutrois and getting to a nicely neutralized physical place. All my gender words are neutral, including pronouns. (They is fine; I prefer co in meatspace, but maybe it makes less sense without my meatspace name?) I'm a grey-a and usually call myself grey or ace, as I like the umbrella wiggle-room. I consider myself potentially (probably) polyamorous and certainly kinky. I might be a wtfromantic, but it's more likely I abstract-think myself out of any coherent framework and throw up my mental hands in defeat. So rather than choose a romantic orientation I like blanket "grey." As a non-binary trans person I feel pretty queer, but I'm getting more and more turned off that word.

I've been telling myself I id as grey because I'm not sure whether or not I experience sexual attraction. I probably do, but it doesn't feel clear, and I sure process it bizarrely. It takes a certain conscious attention for it to mean anything, usually for me to notice it at all. And that trips me out with a "wait but so am I deciding to be attracted to this person, when did that happen, why, what, arghhh." Of course, this is also a more general trend for me ("but why are orange and brown my favorite colors? did I just want to be different? does it even matter now, maybe not, but whyyyy").

I like that grey indexes where I am and just the right amount of uncertainty. I'm not *very* questioning, I'm pretty happy here, but it's hard to say where "here" is. And it relieve a lot of pressure to defend myself and define "how sexual" I am, and generally dismantle assumptions before they can gain a foothold. (It's supposed to, anyway.)

Based on tests from two years ago when I was a rather different person, I might be ISFJ and 4so, but who knows. I'll retake those soonish.

I've just graduated in Mathematics & Linguistics and am considering a career in mental health. Or, y'know, secretarial work, whatever. Preferably something night shift. I purportedly know basic French and Japanese, and I liked group theory and integrals but hell if I remember them. I adore wordsmithing.

I was raised Baptist, turned Unitarian Universalist, and am now loosely spiritual and investigating tarot.

I like dark things, ethical conflicts, complex and wounded characters. Anime, sci-fi, fantasy. Emo bands. Fansquee sessions. Making grids of things and magic systems and combinatorics and patterns, and re-organizing my bookshelves. Racquetball. Also motorcycles.

Oh, I'm fairly blunt unless we're interacting directly one-on-one, and I've been engaged in so much visibility work and activism along non-binary and ace lines, I don't have much patience for 101 anymore and I have very strong opinions about identities, oppressions, and so forth. Haha, why did I ever intend to be an educator. I of course intend to be civil, but as I am also given to ranting and nearly always find myself with well-populated opposition...ever fascinating results.
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Age : 35
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DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet. Empty Re: DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet.

Post by mel Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:19 am

Welcome! I have a feeling we're going to get along pretty well, once we get to chatting. Very Happy

Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-08-30

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DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet. Empty Re: DG like UG like TWEWY? Sweet.

Post by Aisling Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:25 pm

I'm epochryphal, you can call me epoch; co is fine too. I'm neutrois and getting to a nicely neutralized physical place. All my gender words are neutral, including pronouns. (They is fine; I prefer co in meatspace, but maybe it makes less sense without my meatspace name?) I'm a grey-a and usually call myself grey or ace, as I like the umbrella wiggle-room. I consider myself potentially (probably) polyamorous and certainly kinky. I might be a wtfromantic, but it's more likely I abstract-think myself out of any coherent framework and throw up my mental hands in defeat. So rather than choose a romantic orientation I like blanket "grey." As a non-binary trans person I feel pretty queer, but I'm getting more and more turned off that word.

I've been telling myself I id as grey because I'm not sure whether or not I experience sexual attraction. I probably do, but it doesn't feel clear, and I sure process it bizarrely. It takes a certain conscious attention for it to mean anything, usually for me to notice it at all. And that trips me out with a "wait but so am I deciding to be attracted to this person, when did that happen, why, what, arghhh." Of course, this is also a more general trend for me ("but why are orange and brown my favorite colors? did I just want to be different? does it even matter now, maybe not, but whyyyy").

I like that grey indexes where I am and just the right amount of uncertainty. I'm not *very* questioning, I'm pretty happy here, but it's hard to say where "here" is. And it relieve a lot of pressure to defend myself and define "how sexual" I am, and generally dismantle assumptions before they can gain a foothold. (It's supposed to, anyway.)

Based on tests from two years ago when I was a rather different person, I might be ISFJ and 4so, but who knows. I'll retake those soonish.

I've just graduated in Mathematics & Linguistics and am considering a career in mental health. Or, y'know, secretarial work, whatever. Preferably something night shift. I purportedly know basic French and Japanese, and I liked group theory and integrals but hell if I remember them. I adore wordsmithing.

I was raised Baptist, turned Unitarian Universalist, and am now loosely spiritual and investigating tarot.

I like dark things, ethical conflicts, complex and wounded characters. Anime, sci-fi, fantasy. Emo bands. Fansquee sessions. Making grids of things and magic systems and combinatorics and patterns, and re-organizing my bookshelves. Racquetball. Also motorcycles.

Oh, I'm fairly blunt unless we're interacting directly one-on-one, and I've been engaged in so much visibility work and activism along non-binary and ace lines, I don't have much patience for 101 anymore and I have very strong opinions about identities, oppressions, and so forth. Haha, why did I ever intend to be an educator. I of course intend to be civil, but as I am also given to ranting and nearly always find myself with well-populated opposition...ever fascinating results.

Bold stuff = applies to me, too, yay! ^_^ Commonalities are fun.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Epochryphal. I'm so terribly sorry you had trouble getting your account activated, and I hope it hasn't soured your experience with Demi Grace.
If you ever want to talk theoretical and practical tarot, linguistics, anime, MBTI, whatever, feel free to chat me over it. Smile
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Location : Illinois

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