Demi Grace
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Post by S--SWITCH Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:31 pm

Hey everyone. You can call me Switch. I'm frustrated and exhausted by labels, but for all intents and purposes I consider myself grey-A, genderqueer, and panromantic. I can't figure out the Enneagram stuff (I posted in General, if anyone wants to clear that up) but I scored really high in Type 4, and I don't remember my MBTI...I took it ages ago...I think I'm INTJ, but I could be wrong.

But yeah, I'm new to the ace community, really. I have looked at AVEN briefly but I don't generally get into forums... I saw this posted on Tumblr and thought I should join while it's new and I can maybe meet people easier (huge forums are SO overwhelming) so here I am!

I'm a student pursuing a 2nd degree, a lifetime New Yorker, a ukulele novice, cat lover, vegan, anime lover (shoujo/slice-of-life/comedy) and so much more. I'll try and hang out frequently to get to know some of y'all.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-08-30
Age : 36
Location : Long Island

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Post by Aisling Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:36 pm

Welcome to the DG; it's a pleasure to have you here!

If you're open to input about MBTI, I'm kinda' a huge nerd about it. Razz
Your speech patterns strongly suggest INFJ (my type, too), and it's very frequent for INFJs to identify in tests as INTJ or INTP.
(just my two cents; it's up to you to decide what you like to consider yourself)

I hope you enjoy our forum. I'm glad we have more folks showing up from Tumblr; it means the signal boosts are working!

Posts : 334
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Illinois

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Post by fushigichris Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:27 pm

I happen to be a type four as well, so if you have any questions about that type, I could try my hardest to help out! I also happen to really like anime too. Hope you enjoy your stay here at DG!

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-29
Location : Virginia

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