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introduction of rilian

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introduction of rilian Empty introduction of rilian

Post by rilian Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:49 am

I decided earlier today to call myself semidemisemisexual, and I asked google about it, and "semisexual" led me to this website.
I'm also aromantic. I can have strong feelings for people, but I don't think it's "romantic".
I'm also a relationship-anarchist type of polyamorous.

I'm 27, masculine or neutral pronouns, I like studying languages, I'm in college still, and trying to figure out what I could do for a "career" that I wouldn't hate.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-08-10

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introduction of rilian Empty Re: introduction of rilian

Post by Halfling Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:43 am

Hi, welcome here Smile What do you mean by relationship-anarchist ? I don't really get how you can be "polyamorous" being aromantic ?
I'm also curious about the semidemisemisexual term and wonder what you mean by that, if it doesn't bother you to explain Smile


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Join date : 2013-01-31
Location : France

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introduction of rilian Empty Re: introduction of rilian

Post by rilian Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:43 pm

Relationship-anarchist means I don't care so much about labeling or ranking my relationships. Polyamorous means I'm willing to "date" multiple people at once. It's often just hanging out, but can also be semisexual, if we both want. When I say semisexual, I mean things that are normally considered to be "pre" sexual, things that would lead up to sex, but I'm not interested in "intercourse" or actual genital contact. (I've tried it, and I hate it.) I have to like something about a person's personality before I can be attracted to them in that way, but if we become really close friends, then the attraction goes away, hence "semidemi".


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-08-10

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introduction of rilian Empty Re: introduction of rilian

Post by Halfling Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:53 am

Ok, thanks for the clarification Smile


Posts : 176
Join date : 2013-01-31
Location : France

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