Demi Grace
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Strongly advise using the Gray spelling instead of "Grey" (can be confused with extra-terrestrial)

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grey - Strongly advise using the Gray spelling instead of "Grey" (can be confused with extra-terrestrial) Empty Strongly advise using the Gray spelling instead of "Grey" (can be confused with extra-terrestrial)

Post by AlchemicalReaction Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:09 am

This is just a suggestion. Seems like less confusion would be appropriate.


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Join date : 2014-01-21

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grey - Strongly advise using the Gray spelling instead of "Grey" (can be confused with extra-terrestrial) Empty Re: Strongly advise using the Gray spelling instead of "Grey" (can be confused with extra-terrestrial)

Post by Halfling Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:48 am

Excuse me, I'm not familiar with the "extraterrestrial" meaning of "grey" ? What's that about ? Could you enlight me please ? Smile Thank you.


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