Where do I start?
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Where do I start?
I've been putting a lot of thought lately about my lack of romantic and sexual orientation as well as what I want and need. I vaguely remember reading that aromantic and asexual relationships can work well. I still desire to live on my own, but with the advantages ever so slightly outweighing the disadvantages, I'm considering maybe at least a aromantic relationship would work for me. Living with someone has to mean I already know them and on a (very) personal level, but more importantly someone who wouldn't drive me nuts as much as my family members do and be reasonably independent. I feel like I could be demi-romantic and demi-sexual but as I have mentioned on aroplane, I haven't really gotten close enough to know for sure. I'm a really torn individual.
Does anyone have any advice or experience they care to share?
Does anyone have any advice or experience they care to share?
Doctor Azo- Lurker
- Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-03-19
Re: Where do I start?
Hi there
I don't know if I can give any advices but, I can say that not having a clear and/or definate romantic/sexual orientation doesn't mean you have none attraction. Orientation and attraction are two pretty different things.
But maybe what you meant by that was you never felt anything for any genders/people ?
The best you can do is to see how things turn, and live your own experiences, no ?
I don't know if I can give any advices but, I can say that not having a clear and/or definate romantic/sexual orientation doesn't mean you have none attraction. Orientation and attraction are two pretty different things.
But maybe what you meant by that was you never felt anything for any genders/people ?
The best you can do is to see how things turn, and live your own experiences, no ?
Halfling- Conversationalist
- Posts : 176
Join date : 2013-01-31
Location : France
Re: Where do I start?
I meant both orientation and attraction, but orientation in particular. My main concern is sooner or later I'll be living on my own unless I do enter a strong but aromantic and asexual relationship; I believe I could be demi, which theoretically could jeopardize such relationships.
Doctor Azo- Lurker
- Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-03-19
Re: Where do I start?
Why do you say "jeopardize" ? If you're demi, you would may develop some romantic attraction, and maybe even sexual one, so it wouldn't jeopardize anything, unless your "friend" wouldn't feel the same... But that's the same for everybody, when love is involved ^^'
Thinking that you're aromantic and asexual, cohabiting with someone (friend or not, since it's said that cotenants being friend before living together often fight a lot lol being friends and being able to live under the same roof are so much different...) shouldn't be such a matter for you, don't you think ?
I don't know how old you are, but if living alone doesn't bother you, try that. If you think you need to experiment being cotenant with someone you don't know, or someone you know, try that. I believe the best way to find out what you need is to try things. (well, not sex, if you don't want to, don't try it of course!It would be the worst way ever to find out what are your feeling about that ><)
Thinking that you're aromantic and asexual, cohabiting with someone (friend or not, since it's said that cotenants being friend before living together often fight a lot lol being friends and being able to live under the same roof are so much different...) shouldn't be such a matter for you, don't you think ?
I don't know how old you are, but if living alone doesn't bother you, try that. If you think you need to experiment being cotenant with someone you don't know, or someone you know, try that. I believe the best way to find out what you need is to try things. (well, not sex, if you don't want to, don't try it of course!It would be the worst way ever to find out what are your feeling about that ><)
Halfling- Conversationalist
- Posts : 176
Join date : 2013-01-31
Location : France
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