Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
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Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
Do you think that society really knows what asexuality/demisexuality/grey A etc. is? If you were to walk up to a random person on the street, say a person who could be representative of society as a whole, and ask them to state what their definition of asexuality is, what do you think they would say? Do you feel that enough attention and effort goes into understanding our culture?
jessrwill- Lurker
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Re: Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
No; society is quite oblivious to it all in a general way. Most folk would define asexuality as what amoebas do, and they wouldn't even begin to consider applying it to humans. If you called yourself asexual, they'd ask if you were on medication to cure it, or something to that effect.
Aisling- Admin
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Re: Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
Tegid System wrote:No; society is quite oblivious to it all in a general way. Most folk would define asexuality as what amoebas do, and they wouldn't even begin to consider applying it to humans. If you called yourself asexual, they'd ask if you were on medication to cure it, or something to that effect.
^ I agree.
Not to mention that most of society actually refuse to consider asexuality, let alone demisexuality, as a sexuality. I've heard people go as far as to say that people who label themselves as such are only doing such because they are confused, searching for attention, haven't tried anything and everything long enough to actually come up with the idea that the label is anything but a simple deflection mechanism of sorts, or my absolute favourite (complete sarcasm and nothing but), a combination of all the aforementioned.
Demisexuality gets a lot more crap since it's not completely asexual nor is completely any of the other sexes. Most people choose to follow the definitions of the sexuality rather than go to someone who labels themselves as demisexual (or even demi-romantic) and that is complete bullocks and leads to people to be misinformed and misunderstood which then leads to massive miscommunication when people finally do get around to voicing their opinions to an audience (some of which may be Demi). It's a bit not good, but I don't think it's going to change. In a society where things like sexuality and gender roles/identities are Googled instead of spoken about, things are always going to be misconstrued in a (sometimes) epic proportion.
I do hope I've made sense with this. I do have a tendency to be rather scatterbrained in my responses to things.
Re: Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
You have made excellent sense; thank you for your well-thought-out reply!
Aisling- Admin
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Re: Asexuality/Demisexuality and Societal Conceptions (or misconceptions)
I think it's useful to explain it to as many people as you feel comfortable. If it comes up in conversation and there's time to explain, then you have a chance to educate someone who might then forward it on to others. It's not as easy as just using the term like is the case with gay or bi, but if enough of us collectively use the term, then eventually it will be.
OwlSaint- Member
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