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Greetings from Rockerchick1378

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Greetings from Rockerchick1378 Empty Greetings from Rockerchick1378

Post by rockerchick1378 Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:07 pm

Hey, everyone.

So, I just joined Demi Grace. Upon reading about demisexuality for the first time, I immediately felt a kind of understanding... I've never genuinely been sexually attracted to any person, with the exception of my boyfriend of over four years now. I'm still a little confused about what I would identify myself as... there are a few things about my sexuality that make demisexuality or anything else I may have identified as in the past an "almost-what-describes-me-but-not-quite-perfectly" dilemma... I hope to learn more about demisexuality and to resolve my confusion at this forum. I'll be posting my "dilemma" in full somewhere else... at least, I think that's where I'm supposed to post that type of thing. I hope that some of you more experienced and knowledgable forum members will help me to better understand myself. I know there isn't a need to put a label on yourself, but I've always felt even more comfortable with certain aspects of myself if I've been able to put a name to them.

Anyways, those are the reasons I joined this forum... if any of you have any questions about myself that you'd like to ask, please feel free to! Not to sound like a stereotypical "actor-type", but I do enjoy talking about myself! Wink

P.S. I know I posted something before my introduction, I'm sorry! I was trying to locate the introductory threads by systematically looking through the other threads, and the logo poll thread came up before this one! >.<

Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-09-08
Age : 31
Location : Canada

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Greetings from Rockerchick1378 Empty Re: Greetings from Rockerchick1378

Post by Aisling Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:31 pm

Welcome to the DG! No worries about posting your intro after your other thread; it's only really a big deal when the forum is terribly active, which it isn't at the moment. ^_^;

Let us know if we can help you with anything about the forum.

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Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Illinois

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Greetings from Rockerchick1378 Empty Re: Greetings from Rockerchick1378

Post by rockerchick1378 Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:41 pm

Thanks, I appreciate it! ^_^

Posts : 5
Join date : 2012-09-08
Age : 31
Location : Canada

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