Demi Grace
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Hey everyone :) Empty Hey everyone :)

Post by xenabaiche Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:38 pm

My name is Marissa. I'm 21 years old, married for one and a half years to my best friend.

I guess what I am is considered demisexual. I've always questioned my sexuality since I was 8 years old. I remember when the band Tatu put out that music video with the two girls kissing. That was when I started thinking a lot, and became interested in girls. When I was 13, I knew I could be attracted to both men and women, and starting when I was 15, I always identified as being bisexual. But then I started doing some looking around online in the last year, and came across asexuality, then Grey-A, and then just recently, thanks to AVEN, demisexual. I'm somewhere between Grey-A and Demi. I only ever feel sexual attraction to someone I'm emotionally attached to, but even then, I have a very low sex drive. So it's only occasionally.

Anyway, I just recently discovered this, so I'm interested in creeping around this forum and learning more about it. Smile


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 34
Location : Grimsby, ON, Canada

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Hey everyone :) Empty Re: Hey everyone :)

Post by Aisling Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:02 pm

Welcome to the DG! Sorry we managed to miss spotting your introduction sooner! >_<

Hopefully you'll find what you seek here. ^_^

Posts : 334
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Illinois

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